
Serial #: 41-32583
Construction #: 88-10818
Civil Registration:
Construction #: 88-10818
Civil Registration:
AT-6C Texan
Name: None
Status (2003): Airworthy
Last info: 2004
AT-6C Texan
Name: None
Status (2003): Airworthy
Last info: 2004
Delivered to USAAF as 41-32583, 19??.
Delivered to South African AF as 7698, 19??.
Tango Six LLC, Greenville, SC, 2001-2003.
- Registered as N15GS.
Courtesy Aircraft Inc, Rockford, IL, April 2004.
- Deregistered, exported to South Africa.
Delivered to USAAF as 41-32583, 19??.
Delivered to South African AF as 7698, 19??.
Tango Six LLC, Greenville, SC, 2001-2003.
- Registered as N15GS.
Courtesy Aircraft Inc, Rockford, IL, April 2004.
- Deregistered, exported to South Africa.
Photo Source(s):
Tony Andrews
Research Assistance:
Tony Andrews
Research Assistance: