L-5 Sentinel/45-34992

Serial #: 45-34992
Construction #: ?
Civil Registration:
Construction #: ?
Civil Registration:
L-5G Sentinel
Name: None
Status: Stored
Last info: 2019
L-5G Sentinel
Name: None
Status: Stored
Last info: 2019
Delivered to United States Army Air force as 45-34992.
Jane Williams, Gladstone, MO, 1999.
Taylor A. Stevenson, West Lake Hills, TX, ????-2019.
Delivered to United States Army Air force as 45-34992.
Jane Williams, Gladstone, MO, 1999.
- Registered as N7605B.
Taylor A. Stevenson, West Lake Hills, TX, ????-2019.
- Stored, pending restoration.
Photo Source(s):
Taylor Stevenson
Taylor Stevenson