Construction #: -
Civil Registration:
Hill Aerospace Museum, Hill AFB, UT, 1987-2003.
This P-51was fabricated by Kal Aero, an aircraft restoration firm in Dulzura, California, at the request of the Air Force Heritage Foundation of Utah. It was built using numerous P-51parts acquired from several sources and was completed in 1992. Funding for the aircraft's acquisition was made possible through a generous $250,000 donation to the Heritage Foundation by Ogden businessman Val A. Browning. The Heritage Foundation first placed the aircraft on display in the museum in 1993, but its official donation to the United States Air Force was not until 1996.
This aircraft is painted in the exact colors of Col. Chesley Peterson's P-51 aircraft when he flew with the 4th Fighter Group of the Eighth Air Force during World War II. It is named "Audrey" in honor of Col. Peterson's wife, Audrey Boyes Peterson.
¹ Serial number chosen for this replica is of a 4th FG Mustang lost over Europe in August 1944.