P-51 MUSTANG/44-63843

Serial #: 44-63843
Construction #: 122-31569
Civil Registration:
Construction #: 122-31569
Civil Registration:
Delivered to U.S. Army Air Force as 44-63843, 19??
- Assigned to 479th FG/434th FS.
-- Flew as "Lauro Jo".
Delivered to Royal Canadian AF as 9557, 19??
James Defuria/Intercontinental Airways, Canastota, NY, 1958-1960.
- Registered as N6342T.
- Stored, uncoverted, Carberry, Manitoba, 1957-1961.
Aero Enterprises, Elkhart, IN, 1961.
- Crashed during test-flight, Carberry, Manitoba, August 24, 1961.
Robert Diemert, Carmen, Manitoba, 1967.
- Acquired wreckage.
W. Erickson, Minneapolis, MN, 19??.
- Fuselage only.
David Zeuschel, Van Nuys, CA, 19??.
- Fuselage only.
- Assigned to 479th FG/434th FS.
-- Flew as "Lauro Jo".
Delivered to Royal Canadian AF as 9557, 19??
James Defuria/Intercontinental Airways, Canastota, NY, 1958-1960.
- Registered as N6342T.
- Stored, uncoverted, Carberry, Manitoba, 1957-1961.
Aero Enterprises, Elkhart, IN, 1961.
- Crashed during test-flight, Carberry, Manitoba, August 24, 1961.
Robert Diemert, Carmen, Manitoba, 1967.
- Acquired wreckage.
W. Erickson, Minneapolis, MN, 19??.
- Fuselage only.
David Zeuschel, Van Nuys, CA, 19??.
- Fuselage only.
Photo Source(s):
Research Assistance:
Research Assistance: