P-51 MUSTANG/44-63350

Serial #: 44-63350
Construction #: 122-31076
Civilian Registration:
Construction #: 122-31076
Civilian Registration:
Clarence A. Head, Eglin, IL, 1963-1964.
- Registered as N2870D.
Mark R. Foutch, Champaign, IL, 1966-1984.
- Damaged in ground collision when P-51D Mustang/44-73877/N167F missed a turned and collided
with 63350while it was waiting for clearance to taxi for air race, Euless, TX, September 1, 1969.
- Severely damaged wing and landing gear.
Tom Kelly & John Dilly/Ft. Wayne Air Services, Fort Wayne, IN, 1984-1986.
- Rebuilt as TF-51D Mustang.
Fort Wayne Air Services, Fort Wayne IN, May 1986-1988.
- Registered as N51TK.
- Damaged after running off runway on akeoff, Ft. Wayne, IN, April 11, 1989.
International Aircraft Ltd, Hockessin, DE, April 1989-1992.
- Registration N151RR reserved but not taken up, October 1989.
- Reregistered as N51TK.
Charles Greenhill, Mettawa, IL, September 10, 1993-2002.
- Crashed during forced landing, Round Lake, IL, December 29, 1994.
- Rebuilt, Wahpeton, ND, 1995.
- Flew as 413410/E2-C/Lou IV.
Defiance Aviation LLC, Ketchum, ID, March 22, 2007.
- Crashed and destroyed, July 15, 2007.
-- Pilot John McKittrick fatally injured.

Clarence A. Head, Eglin, IL, 1963-1964.
- Registered as N2870D.
Mark R. Foutch, Champaign, IL, 1966-1984.
- Damaged in ground collision when P-51D Mustang/44-73877/N167F missed a turned and collided
with 63350while it was waiting for clearance to taxi for air race, Euless, TX, September 1, 1969.
- Severely damaged wing and landing gear.
Tom Kelly & John Dilly/Ft. Wayne Air Services, Fort Wayne, IN, 1984-1986.
- Rebuilt as TF-51D Mustang.
Fort Wayne Air Services, Fort Wayne IN, May 1986-1988.
- Registered as N51TK.
- Damaged after running off runway on akeoff, Ft. Wayne, IN, April 11, 1989.
International Aircraft Ltd, Hockessin, DE, April 1989-1992.
- Registration N151RR reserved but not taken up, October 1989.
- Reregistered as N51TK.
Charles Greenhill, Mettawa, IL, September 10, 1993-2002.
- Crashed during forced landing, Round Lake, IL, December 29, 1994.
- Rebuilt, Wahpeton, ND, 1995.
- Flew as 413410/E2-C/Lou IV.
Defiance Aviation LLC, Ketchum, ID, March 22, 2007.
- Crashed and destroyed, July 15, 2007.
-- Pilot John McKittrick fatally injured.

Chapman, John & Goodall, Geoff, Edited by Paul Coggan - Warbirds Directory,Warbirds Worldwide Ltd., Mansfield, England, 1989.
Goodall, Geoff - Warbirds Directory-4th Edition, 2003.
Federal Aviation Administration, www.faa.gov, 2007.
Chapman, John & Goodall, Geoff, Edited by Paul Coggan - Warbirds Directory,Warbirds Worldwide Ltd., Mansfield, England, 1989.
Goodall, Geoff - Warbirds Directory-4th Edition, 2003.
Federal Aviation Administration, www.faa.gov, 2007.
Photo Source(s):
Scott Rose - Warbirds Resource Group, 2002
Chuck Gardner - Warbirds Resource Group, 2003
Caz Caswell
Research Assistance:
Mark R. Foutch, III
Scott Rose - Warbirds Resource Group, 2002
Chuck Gardner - Warbirds Resource Group, 2003
Caz Caswell
Research Assistance:
Mark R. Foutch, III