P-47 THUNDERBOLT/42-27609

Serial #: 42-27609
Construction #: ??
Civil Registration:
Construction #: ??
Civil Registration:
P-47D Thunderbolt
Name: None
Status: Restoration
Last info: 2008
P-47D Thunderbolt
Name: None
Status: Restoration
Last info: 2008
- Delivered to USAAF as 42-27609, 19??.
Recovered from scrub near Popendetta, PNG, 19??.
Hulk stored at house, Popendetta, 1977.
Robert Greinert/Historical Aircraft Restoration Society, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 1998-2008.
- Complete airframe recovered from PNG.
- Crated and shipped to Sydney, arrived January 1999.
- Under restoration to fly Mascot, Sydney.
- Moved to workshop near Bankstown 2003-2006
- Moved to Wollongong, 2008
Goodall, Geoff - Warbirds Directory-4th Edition, 2003.
- Delivered to USAAF as 42-27609, 19??.
Recovered from scrub near Popendetta, PNG, 19??.
Hulk stored at house, Popendetta, 1977.
Robert Greinert/Historical Aircraft Restoration Society, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 1998-2008.
- Complete airframe recovered from PNG.
- Crated and shipped to Sydney, arrived January 1999.
- Under restoration to fly Mascot, Sydney.
- Moved to workshop near Bankstown 2003-2006
- Moved to Wollongong, 2008
Goodall, Geoff - Warbirds Directory-4th Edition, 2003.
Photo Source(s):