F-86 SABRE/52-5513

F-86F Sabre
Name: None
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2020
F-86F Sabre
Name: None
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2020
Delivered to the United States Air Force as 52-5513, 1952
Delivered to the United States Air Force as 52-5513, 1952
- Unconfirmed report of service in Korean War
- Transferred to the 723rd FBS/450th FBW, Foster AFB, TX, November 1954.
- Damaged in take-off accident due to mechanical failure, November 23, 1954.
- Assigned to the 10th Wing.
- Placed in storage, 1966
- On loan from Republic Of Korea Air Force
- Donated by General Choc Young Bock of the Republic of Korea Air Force.
- Transferred to the NMUSAF Loan Program
- Marked as F-86F Sabre/51-2831, 1992.
- Marked as F-86F Sabre/51-2910 scheme as flown by Korean War Ace Capt. Joseph C. McConnell, circa 2011.

Photo Source(s):
Les Johnson
Research Assistance:
Les Johnson
Research Assistance: