F-101 VOODOO/59-0438

Serial #: 59-0438
Construction #: 762
Civil Registration:
Construction #: 762
Civil Registration:
F-101B-115-MC Voodoo
CF-101B Voodoo
Name: None
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2011
F-101B-115-MC Voodoo
CF-101B Voodoo
Name: None
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2011
Delivered to United States Air Force as 59-0438, 1960
Delivered to Royal Canadian Air Force as 17438, 1962.
Returned to USAF as 59-0438, 1971.
Displayed at Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City, FL, ????-2011.
Delivered to United States Air Force as 59-0438, 1960
Delivered to Royal Canadian Air Force as 17438, 1962.
Returned to USAF as 59-0438, 1971.
Displayed at Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City, FL, ????-2011.
Joe Baugher's Serial Numbers Page
Preserved US Military Aircraft
Preserved Canadian Voodoo Page
Joe Baugher's Serial Numbers Page
Preserved US Military Aircraft
Preserved Canadian Voodoo Page
Photo Source(s):
Research Assistance:
Martin Keenan
Jeff Rankin-Lowe
Research Assistance:
Martin Keenan
Jeff Rankin-Lowe