F-101 Voodoo/58-0324

F-101F-111-MC Voodoo
Name: None
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2017
F-101F-111-MC Voodoo
Name: None
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2017
Delivered to United States Air Force as 58-0324, 19??.
- Transferred to MASDC as FF329, February 12, 1976.
- Used as battle damage repair trainer, Wheeler AFB, HI, 1987.
Heritage Air Park, Palmdale, CA, 2005-2017.
Delivered to United States Air Force as 58-0324, 19??.
- Transferred to MASDC as FF329, February 12, 1976.
- Used as battle damage repair trainer, Wheeler AFB, HI, 1987.
Heritage Air Park, Palmdale, CA, 2005-2017.
Photo Source(s):
Scott Manning
Research Assistance:
Scott Manning
Research Assistance: