F-101 VOODOO/57-0381

Serial #: 57-0381
Construction #: 559
Civil Registration:
Construction #: 559
Civil Registration:
F-101B-95-MC Voodoo
CF-101B Voodoo
Name: None
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2011
F-101B-95-MC Voodoo
CF-101B Voodoo
Name: None
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2011
Manufactured by McDonnell Aircraft, St. Louis, MO, 1959.
Delivered to United States Air Force as 57-0381
- BOC: October 29, 1959.
- SOC: December 1970.
- Assigned to 49th FIS (Air Defense Command), Griffiss AFB NY, October 1959.
- Transferred to 60th FIS (ADC), Otis AFB, MA, March 1960.
-- Deployment to Tyndall AFB,FL.
- Transferred to MASDC, Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ, October 1968.
- Transferred to AF Logistics Command, Winnipeg, Canada, September 1970.
- Dropped from USAF inventory by transfer to MAP, December 1970.
Accepted at Bristol Aerospace, Winnipeg, Manitoba, December 1970.
Delivered to Canadian Armed Forces as 101044.
- BOC: June 30, 1970.
- SOC: 1984.
- Accepted at Bristol Aerospace, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Assigned to 425 Squadron, CFB Bagotville, Quebec, December 7, 1970.
- Transferred to 409 Squadron at CFB Comox, British Columbia, March 15, 1979.
Peterson Air and Space Museum, Peterson AFB, Colorado, July 6, 1984-2011
- Displayed
Manufactured by McDonnell Aircraft, St. Louis, MO, 1959.
Delivered to United States Air Force as 57-0381
- BOC: October 29, 1959.
- SOC: December 1970.
- Assigned to 49th FIS (Air Defense Command), Griffiss AFB NY, October 1959.
- Transferred to 60th FIS (ADC), Otis AFB, MA, March 1960.
-- Deployment to Tyndall AFB,FL.
- Transferred to MASDC, Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ, October 1968.
- Transferred to AF Logistics Command, Winnipeg, Canada, September 1970.
- Dropped from USAF inventory by transfer to MAP, December 1970.
Accepted at Bristol Aerospace, Winnipeg, Manitoba, December 1970.
Delivered to Canadian Armed Forces as 101044.
- BOC: June 30, 1970.
- SOC: 1984.
- Accepted at Bristol Aerospace, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Assigned to 425 Squadron, CFB Bagotville, Quebec, December 7, 1970.
- Transferred to 409 Squadron at CFB Comox, British Columbia, March 15, 1979.
Peterson Air and Space Museum, Peterson AFB, Colorado, July 6, 1984-2011
- Displayed
Joe Baugher's Serial Numbers Page
Preserved US Military Aircraft
Preserved Canadian Voodoo Page
Peterson Air and Space Museum
Joe Baugher's Serial Numbers Page
Preserved US Military Aircraft
Preserved Canadian Voodoo Page
Peterson Air and Space Museum
Photo Source(s):
Research Assistance:
Martin Keenan
Jeff Rankin-Lowe
Research Assistance:
Martin Keenan
Jeff Rankin-Lowe