F-101 VOODOO/57-0366

Serial #: 57-0366
Construction #: 544
Civil Registration:
Construction #: 544
Civil Registration:
F-101B-95-MC Voodoo
CF-101B Voodoo
Name: None
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2011
F-101B-95-MC Voodoo
CF-101B Voodoo
Name: None
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2011
Delivered to United States Air Force as 57-0366, 19??.
- Stored MASDC, 1968.
Delivered to Canadian Armed Forces as 101037, 1970.
CFB Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada 1985-1991
Air Force Heritage Park, Slemon Park, Prince Edward Island, Canada 1991-2011
- Displayed
Delivered to United States Air Force as 57-0366, 19??.
- Stored MASDC, 1968.
Delivered to Canadian Armed Forces as 101037, 1970.
CFB Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada 1985-1991
Air Force Heritage Park, Slemon Park, Prince Edward Island, Canada 1991-2011
- Displayed
Note: Plane has been in the same location since 1985, the transition in 1991 is due to the base closure.
Joe Baugher's Serial Numbers Page
Preserved US Military Aircraft
Preserved Canadian Voodoo Page
Joe Baugher's Serial Numbers Page
Preserved US Military Aircraft
Preserved Canadian Voodoo Page
Photo Source(s):
Research Assistance:
Martin Keenan
Jeff Rankin-Lowe
Research Assistance:
Martin Keenan
Jeff Rankin-Lowe