F-101 VOODOO/56-0217

While with the 66th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, 56-0217 visits Laon-Couvron Air Base, France, 1959.
Serial #: 56-0217
Construction #: -
Civil Registration:
Construction #: -
Civil Registration:
Model: RF-101C-55-MC Voodoo
Name: None
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2011
Name: None
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2011
Delivered to United States Air Force as 56-0217, 19??.
George Robert Hall Airpark, Bobby Chain Airport, Hattiesburg, MS, 19??-2011
- Displayed mounted on pedestal.
Delivered to United States Air Force as 56-0217, 19??.
George Robert Hall Airpark, Bobby Chain Airport, Hattiesburg, MS, 19??-2011
- Displayed mounted on pedestal.
Photo Source(s):
USAF Photo
Research Assistance:
USAF Photo
Research Assistance: