OH-6 CAYUSE/68-17308
![Hughes OH-6 Cayuse Hughes OH-6 Cayuse](images/oh6-generic.jpg)
Serial #: 68-17308
Construction #: -
Civil Registration:
Construction #: -
Civil Registration:
Model: OH-6 Cayuse
Name: None
Status: Wrecked
Last info: 2002
Name: None
Status: Wrecked
Last info: 2002
Delivered to US Army as 68-17308, 19??.
City Of Tampa Police Department, Tampa, FL, 1994-2002.
- Registered as N46TP.
- Crashed and heavily damaged in non-fatal accident, Tampa, FL, January 04, 2002.
NTSB Identification: ATL02TA030.
Accident occurred Friday, January 04, 2002 in Tampa, FL
Probable Cause Approval Date: 2/25/03
Aircraft: Hughes OH-6A, registration: N46TP
Injuries: 2 Minor.
The commercial pilot, under the supervision of the flight instructor, initiated a full-touchdown autorotation in an unmowed, grassy practice area. After touchdown, the helicopter began a slow ground run for three to five feet with no abnormalities. The flight instructor and commercial pilot then reported a very hard hop, and the helicopter collided with the ground and began gyrating violently. Both pilots shut it down. Examination of the helicopter revealed the main rotor severed the tail boom, separating it from the airframe. The pilots reported no mechanical failures.
Delivered to US Army as 68-17308, 19??.
City Of Tampa Police Department, Tampa, FL, 1994-2002.
- Registered as N46TP.
- Crashed and heavily damaged in non-fatal accident, Tampa, FL, January 04, 2002.
Accident occurred Friday, January 04, 2002 in Tampa, FL
Probable Cause Approval Date: 2/25/03
Aircraft: Hughes OH-6A, registration: N46TP
Injuries: 2 Minor.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:
The pilot's improper flare during practice autorotation.
Federal Aviation Administration, www.faa.gov, Washington D.C., 2003.
National Transportation & Saftery Board (NTSB), 2003.
Federal Aviation Administration, www.faa.gov, Washington D.C., 2003.
National Transportation & Saftery Board (NTSB), 2003.
Photo Source(s):
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