Construction #: -
Civil Registration:
OH-6A Cayuse
Name: None
Status: Wrecked
Last info: 1999
Desoto County Sheriffs Department, Hernando, MS, 1996-1999.
- Registered as N584SD.
- Crashed, Hernando, MS, Sept. 07, 1999.
NTSB Identification: ATL99TA126 . The docket is stored in the (offline) NTSB Imaging System.
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Tuesday, September 07, 1999 in HERNANDO, MS
Probable Cause Approval Date: 6/23/00
Aircraft: Hughes OH-6A, registration: N584SD
Injuries: 1 Uninjured.
The pilot, a volunteer with the sheriff's department, was conducting proficiency training when the accident occurred. According to the pilot, he had completed three approaches and was on the fourth approach when he encountered a dust devil along the approach path. After encountering the dust devil, when several feet above the ground, the helicopter yawed to the right. In an effort to recover from the yawed condition, the pilot instantly rolled off the throttle control, and the helicopter collided with the ground. No mechanical problems were reported with the helicopter by the pilot. The post-accident examination of the helicopter also did not disclose any mechanical problem.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:
The in-flight encounter with weather that resulted in the loss of tail rotor control. The pilot failed to maintain directional control and the helicopter collided with the ground.
Federal Aviation Administration, www.faa.gov, Washington D.C., 2003.
National Transportation & Saftery Board (NTSB), 2003.
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