B-25 MITCHELL/44-29812

B-25 Mitchell/44-29812 at Paul Bunyan Land in Brainerd, MN, June 5, 1992.
Serial #: 44-29812
Construction #:
Civil Registration:
Construction #:
Civil Registration:
B-25J Mitchell
TB-25J Mitchell
TB-25N Mitchell
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2015
B-25J Mitchell
TB-25J Mitchell
TB-25N Mitchell
Status: Displayed
Last info: 2015
Delivered to United States Army Air Force as 44-29812, 19??.
- Stored at Davis Monthan AFB, AZ, December 1957-1958.
Private Owner, April 1958.
- Registered as N2854G.
Paul Bunyan Amusement Park, Brainard, MN, 1958-2000.
- Displayed as United States Air Force/BD-812/327102 (later "Safe Return").
Aero Trader, Chino, CA, 2000-2004.
- Dismantled and stored, Ocotillo Wells, CA.
National World War II Museum, New Orleans, LA, 2010-2015.
- Displayed hanging from ceiling.
Delivered to United States Army Air Force as 44-29812, 19??.
- Stored at Davis Monthan AFB, AZ, December 1957-1958.
Private Owner, April 1958.
- Registered as N2854G.
Paul Bunyan Amusement Park, Brainard, MN, 1958-2000.
- Displayed as United States Air Force/BD-812/327102 (later "Safe Return").
Aero Trader, Chino, CA, 2000-2004.
- Dismantled and stored, Ocotillo Wells, CA.
National World War II Museum, New Orleans, LA, 2010-2015.
- Displayed hanging from ceiling.

Chapman, John & Goodall, Geoff, Edited by Paul Coggan - Warbirds Directory,Warbirds Worldwide Ltd., Mansfield, England, 1989.
Goodall, Geoff - Warbirds Directory-4th Edition, 2003.
Goodall, Geoff - Warbirds Directory-6th Edition, 2013.
Chapman, John & Goodall, Geoff, Edited by Paul Coggan - Warbirds Directory,Warbirds Worldwide Ltd., Mansfield, England, 1989.
Goodall, Geoff - Warbirds Directory-4th Edition, 2003.
Goodall, Geoff - Warbirds Directory-6th Edition, 2013.
Photo Source(s):
Woods Pepperman - www.woodser.com
Jos Vervoort
Research Assistance:
Scott Thompson/Aerovintage Books
Tom Dionne
Woods Pepperman - www.woodser.com
Jos Vervoort
Research Assistance:
Scott Thompson/Aerovintage Books
Tom Dionne