P-51 MUSTANG/44-63992

Serial #: 44-63992
Construction #: 122-31718
Civil Registration:
Construction #: 122-31718
Civil Registration:
Delivered to U.S. Army Air Force as 44-63992, 19??.
- Allocated to 8th AF.
Delivered to Swedish AF as Fv26020, 1946-1952.
Delivered to Israeli Defense Force AF as 2353, 1952-1965.
Flygvapenmuseum, Malmslatt AB, Sweden, December 1965-2012.
- Shipped from Israel to Gothenburg, arriving January 1, 1966.
-- Arrived in Israeli AF markings and colors.
- Displayed as Flygvapnet/26020/Yellow 16from May 1966.

- Allocated to 8th AF.
Delivered to Swedish AF as Fv26020, 1946-1952.
Delivered to Israeli Defense Force AF as 2353, 1952-1965.
Flygvapenmuseum, Malmslatt AB, Sweden, December 1965-2012.
- Shipped from Israel to Gothenburg, arriving January 1, 1966.
-- Arrived in Israeli AF markings and colors.
- Displayed as Flygvapnet/26020/Yellow 16from May 1966.

Goodall, Geoff - Warbirds Directory-5th Edition, 2008.
Chapman, John & Goodall, Geoff, Edited by Paul Coggan - Warbirds Directory,Warbirds Worldwide Ltd., Mansfield, England, 1989.
Goodall, Geoff - Warbirds Directory-4th Edition, 2003.
Goodall, Geoff - Warbirds Directory-5th Edition, 2008.
Chapman, John & Goodall, Geoff, Edited by Paul Coggan - Warbirds Directory,Warbirds Worldwide Ltd., Mansfield, England, 1989.
Goodall, Geoff - Warbirds Directory-4th Edition, 2003.
Photo Source(s):
Brian Johnstone
Research Assistance:
Brian Johnstone
Research Assistance: